Villa St. Marie

Urbex report Villa St Marie.

The sad story about Villa St. Marie…Β The villa belonged to a very catholic and religious family. The man of the house died at a very young age so the women of the house became a widow. She fell in love with the local priest and they started to have a secret affair. In 1960 she becameΒ pregnant from the priest, this was not planned and unwanted. Story goes that she drowned the baby a few weeks after birth and got arrested for murder. The villa became abandoned and was demolished in 2009.

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2 Responses

  1. Maarten de smet says:

    The story is fake. I have actually been the caretaker of the property untill it got demolished in 2011. when i cleaned out the house we Found newspapers dating to 1978. The owners got to old to live by themselves and the family forcefully moved them to a retirementhome. The owners refused to sell the house untill they died in early 80’s then the family got into a feud about the heritage, some wanted the money others wanted to keep the home as a weekend retreat refusing to sell it. So it remained unused untill it was to far gone to Restore it to it’s former glory.

    • Angelique says:

      Thanks for the info and for clearing this up!
      It’s always nice to know what really happened, I like your story better πŸ˜‰

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