Memorials and taxidermie

🇳🇱 Een grote passie voor vergankelijkheid heeft ervoor gezorgd dat ik zowel in fotografie als in taxidermie alles een tweede leven wil geven. Het is de liefde voor dieren waardoor ik met veel respect iets maak zodat het voorgoed bewaard kan blijven. Ook menselijk as kan verwerkt worden in een vorm naar keuze. Stuur me gerust een berichtje voor vragen of speciale wensen, de mogelijkheden zijn eindeloos… meer rariteiten en memorials vind je op instagram: brunasoddities

🇺🇸 What you’ll find on this page is a collection of memorialised items. I want to thank the people that have put their trust in me to work with their lost loved ones and beloved pets, I feel honoured to have helped you memorialise these in a special way. Feel free to contact me if you have a special request, I would be happy to help you. The possibilities are endless… More oddities and memorials can be found on my instagram: brunasoddities

Memorialised pieces.

Samples from what I’ve made for people to keep their loved ones close. A small list of possibilities to work with are ashes, hair, jewellery, whiskers, microchips, dog or cat leash, sea sand or any other sand, dried flowers, bone cleaning etc. etc.

  For sale.

Taxidermie, steampunk creatures with antique clock parts… skulls and bones that are cleaned, cuddled and decorated with jewelry and mixed media. Old tin and match boxes that are turned into miniature curiosity cabinets filled with goodies and much more.

Taxidermie. Steampunk creatures. Bone art. Vintage tin boxes.

Boxes are numbered and a specimen note is added with info about what’s in the boxes.

Match boxes.   Various goodies.  
  Images for sale.  

Angelique Written by:


  1. Cool!!!! Love it. One thing’s for sure: it’ll be fabulous, cause it’s your”thing”. ❤️ Looking forward to all the great stuff you’re going to post.

    • Angelique
      21 June 2020

      Thanks sweetie!! Happy to hear you like it.

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