Little Miracles

Info and urbex report Little Miracles.

Please do not watch the thumbs below if you are sensitive for these little miracles: baby’s in bottles. It is not my intention to shock you or bring you to tears. I never blog much, neither do I use many words since I prefer to show things with pictures. This is something else and I do want to try and explain why I had to go here for my own personal reasons. This has nothing to do with trying to make pretty pictures, I do understand this is not pretty! I myself, close friends already know this, lost three baby’s during pregnancy, each in different stages. I can assure you that I know how it feels and that I know what it does to a mom when this happens. I wanted to see with my own eyes how a baby in those stadiums look like. And yes I could have tried google for that or go to a museum but I happen to love exploring so that’s why I feel privileged to add this to my gallery.

All bottles with baby’s are removed in 2015.

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2 Responses

  1. Franca says:

    Schitterend! Ik begrijp je verhaal erbij…

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